A new year begins! It's time to create your annual marketing plan, to anticipate all your communication actions important. This roadmap is very important to ensure a new year under the sign of success.

Plane focus marketingits importance for your business and its good realization practices.

What is a marketing plan

To start, it is essential to understand what a marketing plan. This document, which generally holds in 2 or 3 sheets, allows you to put your actions over the all year round, to reach your goals.

In other words, the plan marketing understand :

  • Your annual objectives
  • The internal and external environment of your business
  • Points to improve
  • And the forces to be preserved

Naturally, this roadmap also includes the list of marketing actions to be carried out to achieve its objectives, strengthen its strengths and optimize improvement axes.Brainstorming Create Marketing PlanBrainstorming Create Marketing Plan

Read too :: Marketing allocation: Where do your customers come from?

The importance of a marketing plan for your business

The objective is not to write a gas factory, but to put its balance sheet for the past year and its ideas for the one to come.

Like a GPSthe marketing plan allows you to reach a final goal thanks to the most effective path. It helps companies fill up on relevant ideas and keep them under the elbow to develop its strategies as you go.

The usefulness of the marketing plan is to avoid dispersion during the year, to be overwhelmed by other tasks and to forget all its good resolutions!

Creation Marketing PlanCreation Marketing Plan

The elements to integrate in a marketing plan

A marketing plan is not frozen in marble. An activity is experiencing increasing developments, sometimes encounters unforeseen (positive or negative) or constraints.

Nevertheless, its basic development contains all the elements that will be used to manage the strategic decisions of the company. That's to say :

The objectives of the marketing service

Rigorously detailed, they must obviously correspond to your marketing analysis. To do this, fix Smart lenses !

Dedicated to guide you in the definition of your objectives, the Smart method means: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and temporally defined.

A commercial calendar

To be complete, your commercial calendar must contain the highlights of sales and hollow periods.

A marketing calendar

A little different from your commercial calendar, the marketing calendar will contain the events To be used, the launch dates of new products, etc.Annual marketing action planAnnual marketing action plan

Your good practices past and those of your competitors

It is always important to list past good deeds, obviously with the aim of repeating them! Having them in mind will probably make you more effective for the coming year.

But those of your competitors are also and probably even more important! Take an example on it to improve even more.

New ideas to test by communication channel

Performance indicators to analyze

A lot ofPerformance indicators can be analyzed as for example:

  • The number of prospects
  • The volume of visitors
  • THE conversion rate
  • The evolution of the volume of prospects
  • CTA click rate
  • Etc.

The budget allocated to marketing

How to measure the distribution of costs between the various posts and periods of the year? Find out how to plan and structure your marketing budget, in clicking here.

Any providers necessary for the realization

Will you need a community manager? a web marketing manager? Ask yourself the right questions to choose the Freelance provider which will suit your needs.

Find all the providers you need on Coder.com.

Read also: Delegate a mission to a freelance: 6 errors to avoid!

Useful tools to create a marketing plan

For Develop your annual marketing planyou will need tools to get there! Let's discover them.

1. A word processing tool

Depending on the desired formatting of your annual marketing plan, you will need a word processing tool or presentation. You can even use a spreadsheet if it seems more relevant.

The goal is to develop a readable and intuitive document, which your employees and service providers can easily consult.

2. A monitoring tool

To know the best practices of your competitors and fully analyze the environment of your business, a standby tool is essential!

If you don't have one yet, it's time to be interested in:

Feedly watch toolFeedly watch tool
Throughout the year, these tools will offer you good practices on a set, while informing you of trends and developments on your market. It is essential to build a coherent marketing plan!

3. A brainstorming tool

Developing a marketing plan is generally done with many! All your employees, internal and external, certainly have ideas to bring.
In addition to organizing a brainstorming in a meeting, you can use collaborative tools. The latter allow everyone to bring their stone to the building, as soon as an idea arises.

Mindmeister,, Groupzap Or Bubblus allow you to share a dashboard with several colleagues so that they note their ideas, comments or good practices. Then you just have to collect the notes to analyze them and integrate the most relevant in your marketing plan.

4. A provider recruitment platform

To help you implement the actions of your marketing plan, you will surely need providers. Editor,, Community Manager,, SEO SEO,, webmastertrainer, etc., all have a role to play in the success of your marketing strategy.

To find one or more freelance providers for your need, deposit your project now on Coder.com And receive many quotes for free that meet your expectations!

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